Private Copying Remuneration Tariffs In France

It is important to know that Refurbished devices are not excluded from the Private Copying Levy in France. The obligation to pay the private copying levy has always existed when a specific device has been imported to France. However, what makes the whole thing confusing and messy is that on July 1st a special, discounted tariff came into force for refurbished smartphones, mobiles and tablets.

The discounted tariffs were offered by French lawmaker a a compromise to the refurbishing industry. We use the word compromise because the industry actually asked for a full exclusion from the Private Copying Levy. Whether we like it or not, we have to pay it. Luckily the fee is 40% less for refurbished smartphones and 35% less for the reconditioned tablets compared to the regular rate.

It is important to know that the actual fee is based on the storage capacity of different product groups. To the full overview of the tariffs applicable at the moment, download the tariffs file.

Download the French Private Copying Tariffs Overview


Backmarket wants to know if you are paying Private Copying Levy to Copie France — what to do?


Copie France Monthly Sales Declaration Form