Everything you need to know about Private Copying Levy
We do our best to concentrate here all the resources you might need. Different studies, files, templates, overviews and major news.
Backmarket wants to know if you are paying Private Copying Levy to Copie France — what to do?
Starting from 24th of February all the sellers on Backmarket are expected to indicate in the seller portal whether they are actively paying the Private Copying Levy to Copie France or not.
Private Copying Remuneration Tariffs In France
It is important to know that Refurbished devices are not excluded from the Private Copying Levy in France. The full overview of the French fees can be found in the article
Copie France Monthly Sales Declaration Form
If you are a business established outside of France and sell refurbished devices directly to French consumers, you have the obligation to pay Private Copying levy. Find the form in the article.
Private Copying Global Study 2020
Are you interested in finding out more about the Private Copying? Find no more, download the Private Copying Global Study and get all the information you need.
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